About 2024AM

About 2024AM

The Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) is delighted to announce that the 2024 Annual Meeting took place at the Sheraton Grand in Seattle, WA from April 9-12, 2024. The meeting theme was "Uniting Earthquake Science and Engineering for a More Resilient Future." 2024AM brought together participants from engineering, geoscience, emergency planning, social science, and other fields to connect and learn about the latest developments in research and practice for understanding earthquake risk and increasing earthquake resilience. 

The main meeting, including a technical program with plenary, special, and poster sessions, the EERI awards ceremony, and the 2024 Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition, took place on April 10-11. Pre- and post-meeting activities included an earthquake reconnaissance workshop and partner-hosted workshops on April 9, and a field exercise held in coordination with the Washington Geological Survey and based on an M7+ Seattle Fault earthquake scenario on April 12.