2024 Annual Meeting Poster Instructions

Poster Presentation Overview
The 2024AM includes two evening poster sessions. All accepted posters will have the opportunity to display their poster on one main meeting day and present it at that evening’s poster session. Your display and presentation date will be assigned by EERI. Click here to view the poster presentation day assignments and poster board locations.

Poster Specifications
Content: There is no poster template or required format. The most successful posters have an uncluttered layout and large graphics. Please include your contact information on your poster to allow attendees to contact you with any questions.

Size: The maximum size for your poster is 24” x 36”. It can have either a portrait or a landscape orientation. The board will be push-pin compatible; a supply of push pins will be available.

Printing: You are responsible for printing and transporting your own poster to the 2024AM.

Poster Session Location and Room Setup
2024AM Poster Sessions will take place in the Metropolitan Ballroom on level 3 of the Sheraton Grand. This room will be set up with pushpin style poster display boards. Pushpins will be provided. Click here to view your assigned presentation day and poster board location assignment. Poster display boards will be labeled with numbers. The number listed next to your poster here is your assigned location.

If you are scheduled to present during the Wednesday, April 10 Poster Session:

  • Poster Setup: Please set up your poster by 10:00 AM on Wednesday, April 10. Please try to avoid setting up your poster while a session is in progress in the Metropolitan Ballroom.
  • Poster Session Attendance: Please be in attendance during the duration of the poster session from 5:30 - 7:00 PM to answer any questions about your poster.
  • Poster Removal: Please remove your poster at the conclusion of the poster session at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, April 10. Any posters not collected by this time will be discarded.

If you are scheduled to present during the Thursday, April 11 Poster Session:

  • Poster Setup: Please set up your poster by 10:00 AM on Thursday, April 11. Please try to avoid setting up your poster while a session is in progress in the Metropolitan Ballroom.
  • Poster Session Attendance: Please be in attendance during the duration of the poster session from 5:30 - 7:00 PM to answer any questions about your poster. 
  • Poster Removal: Please remove your poster at the conclusion of the poster session at 7:00 PM on Thursday, April 11. Any posters not collected by this time will be discarded. 

Publicly Posting Posters Online

EERI will be posting a PDF version of all posters to the meeting website and the Digital Library to allow attendees to view your work after the meeting. By April 8, 2024, please upload a final PDF version of your poster using this google formPlease use the following naming convention for your file "2024AM-Poster-AbstractNumber-LastName". Note, you will need a google account to use this form. If you don’t have one and can’t make one, please send the PDF of your poster to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please do not upload your poster PDF if you do not want your presentation publicly posted online.