Plenary Session: Reconnaissance, Response, and Recovery: Lessons Learned from the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Sequence
Tuesday, April 9, 2024, 4:00 PM–5:30 PM
Metropolitan Ballroom
This plenary session opens the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes Anniversary Program Track at 2024AM, organized in partnership with the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP). The M7.8 and M7.5 earthquakes that struck southern Turkey on February 6, 2023 affected a wide region of southern Turkey and northern Syria, killing nearly 60,000 people and damaging or destroying hundreds of thousands of buildings in more than 10 major cities. In this plenary, speakers from Turkey and the United States will present a multidisciplinary overview of the response to these earthquakes, the ongoing recovery process, and the lessons learned for earthquake risk and resilience in the region and beyond. Speakers will address topics including the coordination of the international earthquake reconnaissance response, the structural engineering impacts and what they mean for building codes and retrofit standards, and the social and economic impacts of the earthquakes as they relate to business resilience and gender, and the temporary rehousing and long-term rebuilding process.
Alper İlki, Istanbul Technical University, "Structural Engineering Lessons from the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes"
Recep Cakir, Washington Geological Survey, “AFAD-Earthquake Clearinghouse established following the 6 February 2023 Mw7.8 and M7.6 Kahramanmaras Earthquakes ,Turkiye: Examples of Clearinghouse Management, Data Collection and Partnership Communications"
Cynthia Kroll, LFE Business Resilience Subcommittee, Anne Wein, U.S Geological Survey, and Ezgi Orhan, Cankaya University, “Beyond Building Damage: Business Resilience Following the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Sequence”
N. Emel Ganapati, Florida International University, "Displacement, Housing, and Recovery after the 2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquakes"
Moderator: Elizabeth Angell, EERI
1D: Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Findings from the Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Sequence
Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 10:30 AM–12:00 PM
This session continues the special 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes Anniversary Program Track organized in partnership with NEHRP. The session will focus on earth science and geotechnical engineering findings from studies of the February 6, 2023 7.8 and M7.5 earthquakes in Turkey. Presentations will discuss ground motions, surface fault rupture mapping, geotechnical impacts, and seismic settlement and its impacts on buildings.
Grigorios Lavrentiadis, Caltech, "Surface fault rupture mapping of the 2023 Türkiye earthquake sequence: Implications on probabilistic fault displacement hazard analysis"
K. Önder Çetin, Middle East Technical University, “Geotechnical Aspects of February 6, 2023 Kahramanmaras-Turkiye Earthquake Sequence”
Tristan Buckreis, UCLA, "Engineering Attributes of Ground Motions from February 2023 Türkiye Earthquake Sequence"
Nathan Girmay, Stanford University, “Directionality of response spectral ordinates in the 2023 Kahramanmaras, Türkiye earthquake doublet”
Ozgun Alp Numanoglu, Schnabel Engineering, “Seismic Settlements of Buildings and Surroundings at the Coastal Areas of Iskenderun in 2023, Kahramanmaras Earthquakes"
Moderator: Menzer Pehlivan, MPERA.
2D: Structural and Lifelines Engineering Findings from the Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Sequence and Lightning Poster Round
Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 2:00 PM–3:30 PM
This session, along with the following poster session, concludes the special 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes Anniversary Program Track organized in partnership with NEHRP. The session will focus on structural and lifelines infrastructure engineering findings from studies of the February 6, 2023 7.8 and M7.5 earthquakes. Presentations will discuss building codes and seismic retrofit standards, structural engineering impacts to reinforced concrete buildings, and post-earthquake lifelines reconnaissance. The session will conclude with a lightning round of brief poster presentations on topics including structural and geotechnical engineering, data collection and coordination, and response and recovery after the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes.
Alper İlki, Istanbul Technical University, "2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquakes, Seismic Safety of Existing Buildings in Istanbul and Seismic Retrofit"
Zeynep Tuna Değer, Istanbul Technical University, “Prevalent structural engineering problems observed in RC buildings after Kahramanmaras Earthquakes”
Menzer Pehlivan, MPERA, “Performance of Lifelines during 2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquakes”
Poster Lightning Round
Moderator: Ayse Hortacsu, Applied Technology Council.
Wednesday Poster Session
Wednesday, April 10, 5:30 PM–7:00 PM
Metropolitan Ballroom
The following posters in the Wednesday poster session are also part of the special 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes Anniversary Program Track organized in partnership with NEHRP:
1. Performance Assessment of Seismically Isolated Structures in 2023 Turkey Earthquake
Presenter: Satish Nagarajaiah, Rice University.
Topic Area: Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence
2. Geospatial Visualizations of Reconnaissance Data for the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Sequence
Presenter: Alejandra Bravo, California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo.
Topic Area: Data Collection and Coordination
3. 6 February 2023 Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye Earthquakes: Lessons Learned from the Reconnaissance
Presenter: Eser Cakti, Bogazici University.
Topic Area: Data Collection and Coordination
4. Strong Ground Motion Characteristics of the 6 February 2023 Kahramanmaraş, Turkey Earthquakes
Presenter: Eser Cakti, Bogazici University.
Topic Area: Ground Motions
5. Rapid Assessment of Ground Shaking and Building Damage Distributions in the immediate aftermath of the M7.7 Kahramanmaraş - Türkiye Earthquake
Presenter: Ufuk Hancilar, Bogazici University.
Topic Area: Emergency Management and Response
6. Total Collapse of an Elevated RC Water Tank in M7.7 Kahramanmaraş-Türkiye Earthquake (6 Feb 2023)
Presenter: Ufuk Hancilar, Bogazici University.
Topic Area: Lifelines and Utilities
7. Development Fragility Functions after the Feb.6 2023 Kahramanmaraş - Türkiye Earthquakes
Presenter: Ufuk Hancilar, Bogazici University
Topic Area: Structural Engineering
8. Liquefaction Ground Deformations and Cascading Coastal Flood Hazard in the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Sequence
Presenter: Patrick Bassal, The Ohio State University.
Topic Area: Geotechnical Engineering
9. Rapid Seismic Multi-impact Assessment for 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Using Near-Real-time Information Retrieval and AI-based Information Fusion
Presenter: Susu Xu, Johns Hopkins University.
Topic Area: Emergency Management and Response
10. Insights into Seismic Energy Spectra Analysis: A Study of the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake and Aftershocks
Presenter: Tomas Nunez, UBC.
Topic Area: Ground Motions
11. Lateral Spreading Observations in Dӧrtyol, Hatay Following the 2023 M7.8 Pazarcık Turkiye Earthquake
Presenter: Kristin Ulmer, Southwest Research Institute.
Topic Area: Geotechnical Engineering
12. Generating Empirical Damage and Liquefaction Fragility Functions from Post-event Reconnaissance: A Case Study using the 2023 Earthquake Sequence in Kahramanmaraş, Turkey
Presenter: Christina Sanon, Tufts University.
Topic Area: Multidisciplinary
13. Advancing Disaster Response: Lessons Learned from the AFAD- The 6 February 2023 Earthquakes Clearinghouse in Türkiye
Presenter: Recep Cakir, ndependent Researcher.
Topic Area: Post-earthquake emergency response/planning
14. ASCE/COPRI Earthquake Field Reconnaissance
Presenter: Dolunay Oniz, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc.
Topic Area: Recovery
15. Women's labor force participation in the 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquake-stricken region: The case of Nurdağı, Gaziantep
Presenter: Anne Wein, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
Topic Area: Social Science
16. Performance of non-structural elements in isolated hospitals during the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes
Presenter: Edgar Tapia-Hernández, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Azcapotzalco.
Topic Area: Structural Engineering
17. On the responses of four neighboring buildings in Antakya during the 2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquakes: engineering insights from reconnaissance and simulations
Presenter: Fatih Canakci, Purdue University.
Topic Area: Structural Engineering
18. Performance of Concrete Bridges in the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Sequence: Field Investigations and Numerical Analyses
Presenter: Jeffrey Hunt, Exponent.
Topic Area: Structural Engineering
19. The structural damage observed during 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes in historical buildings and its relationship to ground motion characteristics
Presenter: Mohsen Zaker Esteghamati, Utah State University.
Topic Area: Structural Engineering
20. Seismic Performance Assessment of Cast-in-Place Tunnel-form Concrete Buildings
Presenter: Reza Filizadeh, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Inc.
Topic Area: Structural Engineering
21. Comparison of Measured and Estimated Seismic Settlements of Buildings and Surroundings at the Coastal Areas of Iskenderun in 2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquakes
Presenter: Ozgun Alp Numanoglu, Schnabel Engineering.
Topic Area: Geotechnical Engineering
22. Strategies for Enhancing Industrial Resilience After the 2023 Kahramanmaras, Turkey Earthquakes
Presenter: Zeynep Tuna Deger
Topic Area: Structural Engineering
EERI is grateful to Michael Blanpied, Louise Comfort, Selim Gunay, Gavin Hayes, Andrew Herseth, Ayse Hortacsu, Eduardo Miranda, Michael Mieler, Siamak Sattar, and Jonathan Stewart for their input and support in developing this program track at 2024AM.